Linking up again with Sunday Social!
1. Favorite type of work out to do?
1. Favorite type of work out to do?
Dance! Also, recently found Blogilates on youtube and I have really been enjoying that :)
This one kicks my butt :)
2. Favorite guilty pleasure candy or sweet?
I don't think I have anything specific... If I had to pick probably jelly beans or chocolate... I like me some chocolate :) (And Smartfood! Even though it is not candy, I loooove that stuff)
3. What is one thing you continuously forget to do?
Shave my legs. All the time in the winter. But not so much in the summer... maybe it is more of a 'not caring' than a 'forgetting' :)
4. Posts its or phone reminders? Why?
Both. Because actually writing it down helps me to remember, but my phone will beep at me and a post-it won't.
Stopping by from the link up, new follower, love the pic!!