Well I honestly don't know what I was thinking. A self portrait?! Obviously not one of my better ideas :) I feel like I could have been really deep with this (e.g. 'a rain drop signifying my soul' ;)), but I totally just went literal and took a bunch of pictures of myself... Mostly of my face really, I found out that it is kind of hard to arrange yourself artistically with a bum knee :)
So without further ado: Two giant pictures of my face! :)

Also, because I feel a bit like I am failing at this particular day:
A self portrait in words :)
-I am 19 years old and my birthday is February 14th.
-In relation to that: I do like hearts but pink is most definitely not my favorite colour (not like I hate it or anything though :))
-I am a Christian and I try my hardest to follow God every day.
-I am a bit of a tomboy sometimes, but I can also be very girly (in a non pink way ;))
-I windsurf and dance.
-I have been windsurfing since I was twelve, and dancing since I was three.
-I read really, really, fast. Like three or four books a day fast. (If I have time ;))
-I will also read pretty much anything.... Same for movies, the only thing that I will never read or watch is horror.
-I was homeschooled for most of my life... Right through high school and everything :)
-I love shoes :)
-I can be really competitive sometimes... I like to win :)
-If you want to make me happy all you have to do is take me somewhere with a large body of water.
-I am fiercely proud to be a Canadian and while I love to travel, at this time in my life I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world.
-When I get really happy or excited about something I dance :)
And, yah... that's me :)
See you tomorrow!
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